Friday, May 8, 2015


                Days, weeks, months, years... who knows how much time has passed as we lay here in this damned concrete coffin, perhaps doomed to forever rot in the same place we have been resting in for the past 16 years. But let me explain the matter of how we put ourselves in this underground cage of despair.
                The year is 1951, the war has dragged on for nearly 12 years now with no sign of any side letting go. Dead bodies litter the frontlines as we stomp our way threw the heart of Europe towards Berlin, slowly uncovering horrors we have not even red about in fairy tale books, massive graves of innocent people throughout the continent who were only unfortunate enough to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, horrendous mutations due to chemical warfare and poor waste treatment from the Chomutov nuclear catastrophe. On top of these horrors the American and British allied front in France are starting to loose momentum as the fascists bring evermore young troops to the front, our frontline stretched from the Baltic see to northern Italy is solid but constant, it has not moved one step forward nor backward, while our young men are constantly dying .
                It is October 24th, a day I remember quite well, the wind whistles softly as I sit and wait in the wet trench stinking of dirt, starving and constantly at the ready for the order to charge the enemy frontline. Suddenly we hear the sirens echo throughout the enemy trenches, a minute or so later our sirens start to echo to signaling an artillery attack, but why do both camps sirens activate, who is the attacker. Suddenly all goes quiet, our regiment commander, Boris Kazinski climbs on the top of the trench to give an announcement, his hand shaking as the radio operator hands him the massage sent by frontline command, maybe because he knows of the inevitable end has come.
,, Comrades ,,  he yells threw the rusty voice amplifier,,  a long range ballistic missile attack is imminent, please proceed in an orderly manner to Bunker KL-1 to seek shelter, do not panic there is room for everyone ,, which of course turned out to be a lie which we will see only when it was to late.
                As panic consumed the regiment everyones rifles hit the ground as they invested all there remaining strength in there feet. Atomic  weapons were only developed a year ago and not more then 20 were used during battle, however neither battlefield had anything left to say after the bombs fell, they all went silent, an eternal graveyard for thousands of troops. And now it was our turn to face judgment day.
                The bunker only had enough room to fit 30 people in it of course, and had enough supplies to last in case of a disaster for 10 years. I was merely one of the lucky lads who happened to be stationed near the bunker in order to be between the first to enter it. I only pray for the comrades who fell that day, we heard no screaming after we shut the steel doors, only a loud blast and the shaking of the concrete construction around us for the next couple of hours. The land above us became radiated and impossible to support any life, and it would stay that way for the next 10 years at least, for that is how much we would be able to count before our supplies and days among the living end. I only thank god that I was still young when I was drafted, I have no lover to long for, no children, a few cousins who might not even be alive today as we have not had any contact with the outside world for 10 years, all radio signals were down, the doors shut tight, only the ventilation system which is shut by an air purifier. Of the 30 inhabitants of the bunker, 15 died within a week as a result of field injuries and sickness, throughout the years many more killed themselves in despair, others were put down as they became mentally unstable and dangerous, only Tanya, a field nurse, my commander Boris the man who I came to admire the most in my life, who has thought me how to survive  this dangerous underground world of ours, and myself remain in these dark quarters. Tanya was the first down here to die from malnutrition, as our supplies end drew closer with each day. We have been without food and water for 2 days now. My commander decides to take action for what may be the last time.
,, What do you say old friend, shall we finally open the hatch and see what became of the comrades we left 10 years ago. It is more than obvious that no one is coming for us, they have either left us to rot, or have forgotten about us, either way if we don’t do something we are dead for sure,,- said Commander Boris as he looked ad Tanya’s dead body covered with only a white foil.
He reached for the hatch and climbed the latter towards the top part of the bunker, I only heard a loud, slow metal screech as he opened the steel doors to the entrance. And called for me to climb up. The scene was almost unreal, the entire land around us was leveled, the trees all dead, the temperature was like an African desert only in the middle of Europe, soft winds and dust blew below our feet, a wasteland, nothing was left of what we remember of the front, only the trenches filled with the remains of our fallen comrades. But all this did nothing to disrupt the joy I was feeling, the joy of being alive after so many years, the joy that there is still something left after the devastating attack even though not much.
                The year is now 1961, the day is May the 16th, my name is Luka, and this is the journal of man damned to walk a ruined world.


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